Event Information for the Seller
Let's Get Started!
Clear out your clutter and pass along great items to local families.
Selling with JBF is easy.
Upcoming Event Information
Spring/Summer Event 2025
Item Drop-off: Monday, March 31st, 1-8pm, and Tuesday, April 1st, 9-12pm
Presale Shopping: Wednesday, April 2nd (times vary)
Public Sale Shopping: Thursday, April 3rd thru Sunday, April 6th
Unsold Item Pick-up: Monday, April 7th, 8am-11am (no appt needed)
LOCATION: Douglas County Fairgrounds, Event Center
500 Fairgrounds Drive, Castle Rock, 80104
How Selling Works:
EARN: sellers earn 60% of your total sales. (CLICK HERE if you want to help at the sale and earn more!)
FEES: $15.50 per event, paid in advance. CLICK HERE
DROP-OFF APPOINTMENT: You will schedule your drop-off appointment and pay your Consignor fee at the same time CLICK HERE
EARLY SHOPPING: As a Consignor (seller) you can get up to 4 Presale tickets plus 4 more tickets to the Half-Price Presale! All tickets are transferrable.
PAYMENT: Consignor checks will be sent two weeks after the event.
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New to Selling? Download your step-by-step "New Seller Guide" to get started.
No appointment required
→ Any items that are not picked up will be donated
to our charity partners and cannot be retrieved.
→ If you are unable to pick up your items and do not want them donated,
please arrange for someone else to pick them up on your behalf.
→ A $25 "Sort Fee" will be deducted from your consignor's earnings if items that are not marked for donation,
have been sorted for pickup, and are not collected by the end of the designated pickup window.
Important Info for Sellers

This guide will help you know what to sell (and what not to sell) at this upcoming sale.

Price to sell. Mark most items "Reduce" for a final chance to sell on the last day.

Be a part of our community, have fun and earn more money.

As a busy mom, sometimes you don't have enough time to tag and prep your items... or you simply have too many items! This is when Valet Tagging can help!
Next Steps:
Don't forget, join our Facebook CONSIGNOR group where you can find lots of helpful tips, tricks and a whole community of other savvy sellers.

Need more info?
1. Register to sell at the upcoming sale
2. Prepare & tag your items
3. Schedule your Drop-Off Appointment and Pay Consignor Fee
(*No appointment needed for Pick-up)
4. Receive your Presale tickets
5. Drop-Off, Shop the Presale, and Watch your Seller check grow!
Prepare your items
Watch the following videos to see how to prepare all of your items.